A review of milling with the minimum quantity lubrication using vegetable oils

Document Type : full paper


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran


In recent decades, there has been a lot of research on the development of new, environmentally friendly machining techniques. The Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) method is one of these new methods .In this method, a very small amount of lubricant is combined with compressed air. The resulting mixture is used as a lubricant fluid. In this method, the oils should be weighed less and low viscosity, in order to spray the powder properly and uniformly due to the combination of compressed air to the machining site. So, vegetable oils with a suitable smoke point, due to their low cast and availability, can show good performance because they have a little weight and low viscosity. Vegetable oils can perform lubrication well and are more environmentally friendly but have less cooling than the shear fluids. This violation can be overcome by correct selection of shear tools. In this paper, MQL method using vegetable oils is reviewed. A review of the researches carried out in this field showed that the MQL method is the most suitable machining condition in a semi-arid method. It is hoped that the content of this research to be considered by Industrialists and researchers in order to helping to maintain the environment
