Aerodynamic optimization and numerical simulation of 550 KW horizontal axial wind turbine LM19 series blade

Document Type : full paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran

2 MSc Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran


 In the present study, the optimization of wind turbine blade and investigation of stall phenomenon on LM19 Series 550-kW wind turbine blade for enhancement of power has been paid. Firstly, with considering the three sections at root, middle and tip of blade and with considering constant for blade length, number of blade, rotating velocity and wind speed by using of MATLAB code, three optimum airfoil and attack angles for three sections were selected. Since stall is the result of flow separation on the airfoil blade and lead to vibration and damage; by using of FLUENT software air flow and stall phenomenon on optimized airfoil were investigated and analyzed. The innovation of this article is in process of getting of optimum airfoil and attack angle. Optimization on special typical wind turbine blade is done and stall on the optimized airfoil is analyzed result of optimization was three optimum airfoil for three sections at root, middle and tip FFA-W3-211NACA63418andNACA63421 with attack angels for them 9, 5 and 3 degrees respectively. But result of simulations was existence of stall on FFA-W3-211. Therefore NACA63418 with attack angle 5 degree that results of its optimization was near of former, as optimum airfoil for root section was selected.Output power of optimization blade was calculated and compared with turbine power. That increment of 13.5 percent it was gained
