Gas Turbine Cycle Exergoe Conomic Analysis With Solar Air Prehe Ater Instalation

Document Type : full paper


1 Dep. of Engineering, Islamic Azad University,Astara Branch , Iran

2 Dep. of Energy Engineering,College of Environment and Energy,Science and Research Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran


The power generation sector and in particular the gas turbine (with less than 30% efficiency) is one of the most important sources of greenhouse gases emissions and pollutant worldwide. The power generation industry is dynamic and influential due to its underlying role and close relation with factors affecting economic-industrial growth and its efficiency and productivity are of great importance. Generally, at the macro level, increasing productivity will result in cost saving, increased profitability, the possibility of proper output and the optimal use of resources and reducing pollutants and ultimately protection of environment. According to this study, with an increase in the incoming temperature of the combustion chamber from 620˚K to 820˚K, the exergy factor increases from 0.41 to 0.68and also, the cost of exergy loss is reduced from4120.9 $/h to 2413.9  $/h and eventually, with the increase in the inlet temperature of the combustion chamber, the gas turbine consumption will be reduced from 8.99 kg/s to 7.84 kg/s.
