Numerical simulation of airflow in a drying chamber under compulsory convection and investigating the effect of drying chamber geometry on its efficiency

Document Type : full paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran

2 MSc Student , Aerospace Research Institute

3 MSc Student, Department of Engineering, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran


Drying fruits and vegetables, as well as some foods, is one of the central processes of energy in the food industry and a promising way of reducing product losses. The rise in prices and the shortage of oil and gas fuels has led to an increased emphasis on the use of solar energy as a source of energy, especially in developing countries. Drying of agricultural products, food and vegetables today is carried out in two ways: in the traditional drying process, the product is grown on a flat surface under the sun to dry, and in the second method using a Solar drying system uses solar heat to dry the products. Solar dryers are classified into two main groups of forced dry convection (dry) and dry natural solar (nonactive) solar dryers. In this study, the air circulation in a condenser of solar dryers under compulsory convection in two different geometries was numerical simulation. Inductive solar drying efficiency and dry solar cell drying cabinets under forced convection using CFD technology to predict how air flow distribution (air flow velocity) and also heat flux in these drying agents are analyzed. Became After determining the velocity and also the thermal flux and extraction of the respective values, it was determined that the dry cabinet under compulsory convection had a substantially uniform heat flux in drying trays.
