Effect of Injection on the Microchannel Wall on the Slip Velocity the Heat Transfer of Water-AL2O3 Nanofluid in Microchannel

Document Type : full paper


1 Assist. Prof., Department. of Mechanical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

2 M.Sc. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran


In this paper, the forced heat transfer of the nanofluid from water and AL2O3 nanoparticles is simulated in a two-dimensional, microchannel, horizontal, by injection from the bottom wall. The upper wall of the microchannel is 303 K at a temperature of TH and there are holes on the lower wall of the microchannel to inject the flow and the other parts of the wall are insulated. In this work, the effect of parameters such as Reynolds number, slip coefficient and volume fraction of nanoparticles were investigated. The boundary condition is considered to be the slipping speed on the upper and lower walls of the microchannel. In this work, the flow of nanofluid in the microchannel is considered slowly, permanently and Newtonian. In the present work, the injection of slip speed from the microchannel wall is first examined. The results are also presented as speed profiles and Nusselt­  number charts. It was found that the Nusselt number increases with­ increasing the amount of slip coefficient and the weight percentage of solid nanoparticles, and the rate of this increases in the high values ​​of the Reynolds number. It was also investigated that the amount of slipping velocity increases with injection by the microchannel wall, especially in the slip coefficient.
