Modeling Design and Optimization of a Multistream Heat Exchanger with Offset-Strip Fins in Order to Integrate the Heat Streams

Document Type : full paper


1 MSc Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor‏, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran


In this study, the total annual (TAC) is considerd as the objective function, total annual cost also included investment cost and operating cost. Fin length,fin pitch and fin height are considered as parameters of optimizations. HX in countercurrent arrangement, characterized by the maximization of allowable pressure as design objective is extended to the design of multi-fluid exchangers. Appicability of the methodology is demonstrated on two different case studies and results of the current method are compared with literature. In former studies design of Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger with rectangular fin is presented and flow counsider as Counter-courent .the results showed that by changing solution methodology to uniform heat distribution, with optimization result improve to save 20%  of annual this reasarch by using same methodology and change heat exchanger’s fin  to offset-strip we reach lower total annual cost than rectangular fins
